Wednesday 11 January 2017



Hi people,

So here’s one for the swallow lovers and those who aren’t on the 3 week challenge with me on our keto meals.

Growing up our mothers had different methods and styles of making solid foods. My yummy semovita was the best. I just seemed to miss the touch on how mamalet (that is what i call my mum) made it, i mostly had lumps back then as a teenager using her method. "You sha make it like amala "(yam flour).

Mamalet used to say "when the water boils you add a reasonable amount of the flour quickly so the lumps don’t form as you stir immediately"… really like the process of making amala right? Arrrgh!

Okay so I got tired of making it that way. I loved my semovita so much the process of making it couldn’t hinder me.

On this fateful day, I put some quantity of water in a pot  added the semovita flour to it to make a watery thick paste without it being on the fire yet; using my spatula to continuously stir the paste in the same direction till it started solidifying, now obviously cooking on the fire

So mamalet calls me to get something for her and I had to run give her. I was so!! scared my semovita on the fire would have had lumps, to my surprise it didn’t, it actually only formed properly.

So I had an easy last turning and formed an accurate mould for two servings.

With my trial but no error method… I was able to make lump less semo

Okay so it’s simple:

Stuff you need:

  • Semovita (you can use any brand but I like to use golden penny)
  • Cooking pot… obviously!
  • Water
  • Spatula

Here we go!

Ø Put desired amount of water in a cooking pot
Ø Add the semovita flour to make a watery but thick paste, stir properly so it's a fine paste
Ø Put on fire and keep stirring (optional)
Ø When it starts solidifying the turning aspect begins
Ø Turn till it fully forms
Ø Mould to desired servings
Ø You are good to go!!!

One good advantage of making the semovita this way is that it cooks up from the beginning to the end, so it is properly cooked. And of cause you can always have your semovita with your Eforiro, (you can check previous post for the recipe )*winks*

If you know other tricks or preferences to making this delicious meal let me know in  the comments section.


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